Installation Steps

Prerequisite: go1.19 required ref (build using higher versions cause consensus error)

sudo snap install go --channel=1.19/stable --classic

Prerequisite: git ref

sudo apt install -y git gcc make

Prerequisite: Set environment variables

sudo nano $HOME/.profile
# Add the following two lines at the end of the file
# Save the file and exit the editor
source $HOME/.profile
# Now you should be able to see your variables like this:
echo $GOPATH
echo $PATH

Recommended requirement: Increase 'number of open files' limit

sudo nano /etc/security/limits.conf
# Before the end of the file, add:
[your_username] soft nofile 4096
# Then reboot the instance for it to take effect and check with:
ulimit -Sn

Optional requirement: GNU make ref

  • Clone the git repository and Network

git clone
git clone
  • Checkout release tag

cd sge
git fetch --tags
git checkout v1.1.0
  • Install

cd sge
go mod tidy
make install

Generate keys

sged keys add [key_name]


sged keys add [key_name] --recover to regenerate keys with your BIP39 mnemonic

Last updated