
Cosmos-SDK Distribution module transactions commands

The tx commands allow users to interact with the distribution module.

sged tx distribution --help

Fund community pool

The fund-community-pool command allows users to send funds to the community pool.

sged tx distribution fund-community-pool [amount] [flags]


sged tx distribution fund-community-pool 100usge --from sge1..

Set withdraw address

The set-withdraw-addr command allows users to set the withdraw address for rewards associated with a delegator address.

sged tx distribution set-withdraw-addr [withdraw-addr] [flags]


sged tx distribution set-withdraw-addr sge1.. --from sge1..

Withdraw all rewards

The withdraw-all-rewards command allows users to withdraw all rewards for a delegator.

sged tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards [flags]


sged tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from sge1..


The withdraw-rewards command allows users to withdraw all rewards from a given delegation address, and optionally withdraw validator commission if the delegation address given is a validator operator and the user proves the --commision flag.

sged tx distribution withdraw-rewards [validator-addr] [flags]


sged tx distribution withdraw-rewards sgevaloper1.. --from sge1.. --commision

For detailed information see the original document.

Last updated